A message from Jacob and his family

DSCF4560Alone we can do so little, together we can so much! Helen Keller

We think Jacob would say the same thing. Look what we did together! Hundreds came to discover magic PURE MAGIC. All of you helped in your own unique and powerful way. Thousands of gifts were given away to those who need them the most. Hundreds of teenagers were role models leading youngsters on a mission of kindness. This weekend showcased the contagious and heartfelt power that we all have in us to give unconditionally and unselfishly.

Look what people are saying:

“My kids learned a valuable lesson about giving to others.”
“Incredibly Inspiring.”
“Maddy went to bed in her angel shirt as she said it made her ‘feel good’.”
“Jack felt so proud of himself and his brothers for donating gifts to others. As he was going to bed tonight, Jack said that he was proud of his little brothers for doing a mitzvah – I think that is pretty special coming from a four year old boy.”

Thank you, all of you for being part of the Jacob’s Ladder family. As we take a moment to pause and reflect, an overwhelming feeling of calm and comfort takes over as we are completely humbled by this community. At first you were there for us, now all of us are there for so many others.

From everything we have in us, we wish to thank all of you for helping to drive this vision. From our family to yours, Look what we have ALL DONE TOGETHER!

With Love and great appreciation,

Jacob and his family

P.S. At Jake’s Gigantic Give YOU gave big!! Xo