Archive by Author

Fore Jacob

IFG, The Insurers Financial Group, generously donated the proceeds of their annual golf tournament to Jacob’s Ladder. 114 golfers, including The FAN 590’s Don Landry and Lisa Hogan, turned out at Mill Run Golf & Country Club in Uxbridge, Ontario to take part in the tournament held last summer (June 18th).


The eBay Foundation selected Jacob’s Ladder as a recipient of its Champion a Charity program. Champion a Charity was created to recognize and support charities that have special meaning to eBay employees. Jacob’s Ladder volunteer Ira Grossman nominated Jacob’s Ladder and eBay responded with their support of our Annual International Research Prize. Thank you Ira, […]

Peak Performance

David Fowler of The Woodbridge Group made a very personal commitment to Jacob’s Ladder when he decided to make a sponsored climb of Mt. Rainier. David, The Woodbridge Group employees, Eddy Carolan, Kent Sheppard and Jeff Fisher reached the top with an incredible donation of $7,950!

Happy Holidays

Cinram International and its employees chose Jacob’s Ladder as the recipient for its Holiday donation program. The employees were extremely generous and Cinram International matched their total donations for a combined gift of over $11,000.

Grateful Moments!

Quality Meat Packers Ltd., a loyal supporter of Jacob’s Ladder from the beginning, is stepping up to the plate again this year. A donation is being made to The Hospital for Sick Children’s Jacob’s Ladder initiatives for every Christmas card Quality Meat Packers sends. Cookie and Stephen Sandler have also been extremely generous in their […]