Together We Climbed Jacob’s Ladder
21 years of love! 21 years of inspiration! 21 years of commitment, devotion and community power! All fuelled by one boy, our Jacob. Jacob’s inspirational life brought us all together, and what an impact we were able to make. Jacob climbed his ladder of hope, charity and faith and we followed him along his path. And what a journey that was. His legacy will continue for years to come through the Jacob’s Ladder Norman Saunders International Prize at Sick Kids Hospital, thanks to you. Many young adults with severe and complex needs will be able to spend time in day programs, thanks to your generosity. Young children and anyone in need of swim therapy will continue to enjoy the warm therapeutic pool at the Jacob’s Ladder Therapeutic Pool at the Schwartz/Reisman Centre in Vaughan, thanks to you. Screening for seven neurodegenerative illnesses are now free and hassle free, thanks to you. Together we have accomplished so much. It’s rare that a charity can close its doors and say – yes, we set out on a mission and actually fulfilled it thanks to the tremendous love and support of our community. As of the end of December, Jacob’s Ladder will no longer be accepting donations but Jake’s legacy will thrive forever through the many initiatives we have achieved together. We are so grateful for this journey with you.