Several years ago a small group of veteran Jacob’s Ladder supporters met in order to search for a meaningful Legacy project to honour Jacob Schwartz and our charity. Ideas were explored, sites were visited and interviews held. To no avail, none of these initiatives “blew us away”.
Opportunity came knocking when we heard about the construction of the new Lebovic Campus at the JCC in Vaughan. Debbie and Warren Kimel advised that there was an opportunity for Jacob’s Ladder to sponsor a Snoezelen Room. (A
specialized custom built room filled with lights and other equipment to stimulate all the senses). This is Jacob’s favourite room at his school.
We met with Carole Seidman, Head of “The Tomorrow Campaign” and became very excited about the possibility of a Snoezelen Room sponsored by Jacob’s Ladder. A Board Meeting was called to approve this initiative however due to some future expense items, we began to consider alternative considerations. Just one look at the possibility of a Therapeutic Pool and all our Board Members agreed that this was the perfect fit as a legacy project for Jacob’s Ladder.
The Jacob’s Ladder Therapeutic Pool is now completed and is nothing short of perfection. Situated in an amazing central location within the state of the art complex, it will be used by people of all ages for decades to come.
We have accomplished so much since our humble beginnings 14 years ago. Thanks to our volunteers, financial supporters and leadership from Ellen and Jeff, Jacob’s Legacy lives on. Together we have provided screening and awareness for genetic illnesses. We have funded International prizes in genetics at Sick Children’s Hospital and supported the Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative as well as grant fellowship awards to deserving researchers. Now we are naming a Therapeutic Pool as a physical legacy in Jacob’s honour. Thank you Jakey for being such an inspiration to so many people who love you and what you stand for.
Jacob’s very proud grandfather.